Maat Beauty

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Morphe 35XO Natural Flirt Artistry Palette


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Hazlos desmayarse.

Muestre ese lado coqueto con esta juguetona paleta Morphe 35XO Natural Flirt Artistry de desnudos brillantes y bayas ruborizadas. Entonces, acércate un poco más y no seas tímido. Aproveche al máximo estos tonos sensuales y demuéstreles a todos que menos realmente puede significar más.


Fila 1: Single Life, Across The Room, Come Here Often, Your Move, Hair Flip, Get the Digits, Eye Contact
Fila 2: U Up?, Message Read, Major Seduction, Touchy Feely, Hard to Get, Body Language, Just Friends
Fila 3: Met Online, Matchmaker, Double Tap, The Chase, Talk Feelings, Too Swoon, Slay the Field
Fila 4: Charmer, Dating History, Kiss Me, Crushin¿ Hard, Second Date, Show Some Skin, Let’s Snuggle
Fila 5: Love Story, Over The Moon, Meet The Rents, Happy Ever After, Plus One, With this Bling, Make it Official


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